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Climate change the biggest loser of G20 summit, warn environmental groups

"The $1.1 trillion stimulus package agreed by G20 leaders yesterday risks locking the world into a high-carbon economy in which greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, environmental groups have warned."

Category: Climate Change


US to be 'pragmatic on climate'

"The US must balance science with what is politically and technologically achievable on climate change, America's lead negotiator has said. "

Category: Climate Change


Virus battery could 'power cars'

"Viruses have been used to help build batteries that may one day power cars and all types of electronic devices."

Category: Energy sources


Robo-scientist's first findings

"Scientists have created an ideal colleague - a robot that performs hundreds of repetitive experiments."

Category: Robotics


G20, Bonn and the climate of opinion

What is "debate" in climate science?

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1316 to 1320 out of 2977